perm filename NAIVE.ERR[RDG,DBL]2 blob sn#657411 filedate 1982-05-06 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{ErrLog of NAIVE.MSS by Scribe 3B(1134) on 6 May 1982 at 15:49}

Error in K command found while processing the manuscript file.
NAIVE.MSS, 02900/7:          @K<SmallCircle> @K<DoubleRightArrow> @Z(Y)
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 02900/7:          @K<SmallCircle> @K<DoubleRightArrow> @Z(Y)
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 03000/7:          @K<DoubleUpArrow>      @K<DoubleDownArrow>
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 03000/7:          @K<DoubleUpArrow>      @K<DoubleDownArrow>
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 03100/7:          @K<SmallCircle>     @K(SmallCircle>
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 03100/7:          @K<SmallCircle>     @K(SmallCircle>
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 12300/11:  The @K{Plus~ operator was originally meaningful only over reals,
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 12900/11:  The times operator, @K{Times~, has been similarly extended.
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 13200/11:  in all cases @K{Plus~ retains its traditional properties:
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 13700/11:  @K{Plus~ distributes over the multiplication operation 
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 14000/11:  If there is a binary non-commutative operator, it is usually @K{Times~ 
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in K command.
NAIVE.MSS, 07900/22:  comparing "Flow of 42@K{degree~ Water over a Dam" with
The name @K is not defined in document type Report.

Error in PROCESS command found while digesting bibliography data.
STDALP.REF, 01700/1:  
No Bibliography entry named DARDEN? was found in the data base.

Error found while finishing up after the end of the manuscript:
1 labels were referenced but never defined.  See error log file.

Undefined Label                   First reference
DARDEN?$                          (APPEND.MSS, 04000/11)

Error found while finishing up after the end of the manuscript:
Cross references to 27 labels could be wrong.
Run the file through Scribe again if you need to be sure they are right.